2023 plant sale at Nordic Hall
2023 plant sale at Nordic Hall

Past Events

January Chapter Meeting

At the January chapter meeting, Amy Kinsey shared her extensive experience with growing figs, saying "don't be like me, hoarding thousands of trees." She shared tips and tricks from how best to propagate (air-layering, grafting, and rooting cuttings are good, growing from seed is not advised) to her favorite varieties (she's partial to JH Adriatic and White Madeira).

Among the best tidbits:

  • It can take four years to see the true results from your fig tree, including productivity and flavor

  • It's best to water cuttings at the edge of the container rather than at the center, to encourage roots to grow toward the water

  • Up-potting can increase the growth of your figs, but make sure to have good drainage, as excess water can damage them

  • Be sure to label both your cutting and your cup as you are rooting them, so you don't lose track of which varieties you have

Annual Scion Exchange

As always, our annual scion exchange was an exhilarating event. This year we had 48 members and 10 guests attend. Hundreds of scion were delivered for sharing and nearly all of them were taken by people interested in grafting.

Not only NSD members attended, but we had several people from other CRFG chapters that drove many miles to find some rare varieties of fruit tree scion. Several attended from the San Diego Chapter, but also from Orange County and many of our members will be attending other chapters’ exchanges as well.

This event is really a great example of the care and commitment that CRFG members have in helping others to learn more about fruit tree propagation and contributing to the viability of fruit varieties.