Orchard Tour - Rancho de Topo Escondido
SUNDAY, September 15, 2024, 10:00 a.m. - Noon
SUNDAY September 15th (not our usual Saturday tour day): On September 15th from 10-12, we will tour Lena Shiroma and Cory Krell’s Escondido home. Lena and Cory jokingly call their place Rancho de Topo, or Ranch of the Gopher. It is 7.6 acres of managed chaos, of which about 3 acres is irrigated. They have lived there for 12 years. The property was the center of a 20-acre avocado grove, and some of the old trees are still there. They have added some stone fruit trees, citrus and guavas. They also have a few dozen loquat trees and other unusual edibles. They have a nursery area that has cuttings and seedlings of various plants.
Their place is hilly, and we will be walking over some uneven ground, courtesy of gophers, so please wear closed toe shoes. Refreshments will be provided. This tour can accommodate 30 people.
Please RSVP to Gwyn at tours@growrarefruit.org. In your RSVP, please provide the name of each person for whom you are responding. Address and parking details will be provided the day before the tour to those who have RSVP’d.